Thursday, 17 December 2015

It's Christmas!!!

We have been very busy during the last couple of weeks.  We have learnt about Advent and  the Christmas story and thought carefully about what Christmas means to Christians.Not only have we learnt all the songs for the nativity and performed it brilliantly but we have also been busy making cards and calendars and lots of decorations - its very glittery in our classroom now!!
Today we enjoyed a super party day - we all came to school in our party clothes and  Christmas jumpers, we made party hats and decorated the Christmas biscuits that we baked yesterday, we sang Christmas songs and played games too. During the afternoon we had a  very special visitor  who delivered some presents bought for us by Friends of School. We were very excited by our presents and can't wait to play with them tomorrow- thank you very much.
Thank you to everyone who sent in food - the children enjoyed a super party lunch.

                      Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year !!!