Monday, 30 May 2016

Arts Week

We have had avery busy and exciting Arts Week. We were learning about the Russian artist Wassily  Kandinsky.

We learnt that he felt he could hear music as he painted and see  colours when he heard music. We listened to some music and painted what we could hear just like Kandinsky. You can listen to the music here

 We looked very carefully at his painting  Concentric Circles
We all contributed to a large version of this painting. We have also recreated his famous circles out of clay, wet felting and with ripped paper. You can see us hard at work here.

On Friday all our wonderful work went into the hall as part of a whole school exhibition - it looked amazing. What do you think?




We have had great fun this term learning about different insects and minibeasts in our garden. We have been particularly fascinated by the snails. We listened to a story about Slimy the snail and the trial he went on so we collected lots of snails from our garden and made them a snail playpark in one of our trays!! We put them back where we found them afterwards but it was lovely to see them coming out of their shells and be able to observe them close up. Lots of us have also be very busy planting out all the seeds we started growing at the beginning of term and we now have beans, pumpkins, potatoes, strawberries,courgettes and sunflowers growing in the garden - hopefully the slugs and snails won't eat them during half term!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Egg-citing news!!

Well we put some eggs in the incubator at the beginning of the term. Hen eggs have to stay in the incubator for 21 days before they hatch. After they had been in the incubator for about a week we checked them using a special light called candling lamp this heps us to see inside the eggs unfortunately when we looked none of our eggs had chicks growing inside them this time. Luckily we have just been gven some more eggs which definitely have chicks inside them and which are ready to hatch - tomorrow should be very interesting!!!
Here they are in the incubator check back tomorrow to see what has happened overnight...

Homebase visit

As part of our planning for learning this term we all had the opportunity to go shopping in Homebase to buy the things we need for our garden. It was great fun and we had plenty to look at and talk about during our visit.