Sunday, 24 April 2016

Let's Get Growing

Our learning this term is based around the theme of growing. We started be thinking about what we would like to learn and what we already know - you can see our learning questions in the classroom. We have been learning the story of The Enormous Turnip in storymaking and we have made some great storymaps to help us retell the story as well as doing some super writing.
We listened to this book and it inspired us to think of  how we could make things grow in our garden - we had lots of ideas!!
 So we decided to write a shopping list just like Eddie did in the book and then we went to Homebase in small groups to do our shopping. We have bought lots of different seeds, pansies, violas, stawberries and a tomato plant. We also bought some petunias -they were special ones for the Queen!!

We have already read instructions and planted some pumpkin and sunflower seeds. We are also experimenting with some bean seeds to see whether they will grow in just a wet paper towel ...
some of us think they will and some of us don't think they will - we will have to see whose predictions are right.

We are also excited about an experiment that is happening in Year 5. As part of our earlier learning about space and Tim Peake we applied to be part of  a very special experiment called

we have been sent  rocket seeds some of which have been on  the ISS with Tim Peake now scientists want us to help them find out whether being in space affects the seeds or not.The children in Year 5 have planted the seeds and we can't wait to find out what happens.
You can watch this film to learn more about the seeds.

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